P-80 GROUND ATTACK TRAINING Being jet propelled, the P-80 did not suffer from engine torque or coolant radiator vulnerability problems like its piston-engined counterparts. This enabled the Shooting Star to be an extremely stable gun platform. The P-80 was to become an accomplished ground attack/support fighter because it could hit its target before enemy ground units knew it was coming, and then get away quickly before antiaircraft fire could be successfully aimed at it. YOUR MISSION Your P-80 is lined up for a bombing run on Frankfurt bridge. To get a feel for the P-80's ground attack capabilities, try a few different tactics to hit the bridge, including dive bombing and low level approaches. Once you've hit the bridge, fly NW to attack Wiesbaden Luftwaffe airfield. Be alert for enemy aircraft operating from this base, and engage them if necessary. Your P-80 has unlimited ammunition, including bombs. Your mission will not end automatically. You must choose to quit. Please see your reference guide for instruction on how to quit, as well as information on other controls.